British Army Instructor Faces Court Martial for Yelling at Female recruit

My question is if the soldier were a man would any one care?

Probably not about the verbal "abuse" . . . but if the true issue is the existence of video and it being uploaded without authorization then I'd say folks would still be concerned.
He sounded scared to me, that was day 1 though.

Perhas you' like to share your combat escapades with the rest of us?

I was a machine gunner with 3/8 WPNS in Ramadi. We lost 17 people in my battalion and had 240 over casualties in 240 days of fighting. I got my CAR in my first day outside the wire. I lost a friend the first week outside the wire. And it continued to literally the day I left. It was a shit show and I was boot as fuck when I left.

That's my combat experience, but other people have had it way worse. After that I transferred to a unit that had just stood up. There's several news videos from cameramen embedded with Kilo.