Social 'Black' NAACP leader outed as white woman: Rachel Dolezal megathread

Are you fuckin serious? Breitbart has a long history of neglecting the truth and outright lying. It is not a serious news publication. If you believe anything that is posted on that site it is because YOU WANT TO not because it has any basis in fact.

I think he knows more about his own family history than some idiot blogger on breitbart (the same dipshit gamergate idiot at that) and he's hasn't given ANYONE any reason to doubt him unlike breitbart which has been caught in lies multiple times.

Breitbart wasn't the first to raise up the question (the gamergate info is a red herring), and yes, when you look whiter than me...

...I do think it raises some questions (note I have no questions about the sincerety he has towards BLM; it doesn't matter what one's skin color is, you can still support that movement). Let's take his story at face value. At most, he's a quarter black. More than likely, he's an eighth black. At what point does it seem a little insane to associate with a significant minority of your racial makeup?

Some of the stories the dude has told has made it sound like he's some Mandingo-looking motherfucker about to be lynched. Even if he's a quarter black (I keep wanting to write a quarterback), consider me a doubter that he's really faced a lot of social stigma over his "black" skin color. If anything, he might be facing stigma from people who feel like he's a wigger.
Found this on Twitter. Not sure how legit.


Whether or not he actually has any black heritage, who knows.

But IMO, he looks black now because he tries to look black. He certainly doesn't look black in those child pictures.
Breitbart wasn't the first to raise up the question (the gamergate info is a red herring), and yes, when you look whiter than me...

...I do think it raises some questions (note I have no questions about the sincerety he has towards BLM; it doesn't matter what one's skin color is, you can still support that movement). Let's take his story at face value. At most, he's a quarter black. More than likely, he's an eighth black. At what point does it seem a little insane to associate with a significant minority of your racial makeup?

Some of the stories the dude has told has made it sound like he's some Mandingo-looking motherfucker about to be lynched. Even if he's a quarter black (I keep wanting to write a quarterback), consider me a doubter that he's really faced a lot of social stigma over his "black" skin color. If anything, he might be facing stigma from people who feel like he's a wigger.

So he's sincere about BLM but he might also be a complete scumbag who would lie about his mother having an affair, essentially dragging her through the mud, to maintain his elaborate scam...for what exactly? A scholarship from over a decade ago that no one can take back (and that wasn't rewarded to him based on his race anyway)?

We could believe him. A man with intimate knowledge of his family's history and no reason to lie or a "news" publication that plays fast and loose with the facts (and has an obvious racial agenda). Yeah, this isn't a hard one at all. Why even partake in this bullshit speculation? This is a real live person with a family and he's just had to make a very personal family matter public just to defend himself from a bunch of assholes who were trying to smear him to discredit BLM. Its disgraceful.

Who cares if he identifies with black even if he's only 25% black. Firstly, because its baseless speculation on your part. It is impossible to determine someone's racial admixture by skin complexion. My grandfather had a darker skin complexion than I do but he was whiter than me in terms of genetics (having a half-white mother and a quarter-white father). I also have a full blooded sibling who is lighter than me. Secondly, even if it were true, it would not be at odds with the history of racial identity in America. Jim Crow didn't exclude quadroons. Homer Plessy (of Plessy vs Ferguson fame) was 1/8th black. He looked like this:


He didn't get a pass to ride in the whites-only section of the train when his racial background was discovered.

Walter White was the president of the NAACP:


He grew up in the black part of segregated Atlanta living as a black man for all intents and purposes even though you would've had to go back 3 generations to find a non-mixed black person in his family tree. That is America's racial tradition.
Indeed, but Ashkenazis jews are not a classical race.

But the example still works for the same principles - breeding separation, differential evolution, and probabilistic categories. There are no essential Jewish diseases. The probabilities for certain genetic disorders are just much higher among them than among other people. And until recently many people would've denied that the Ashkenazim were any different genetically from other Europeans.

I used the Jewish example because it's even more fraught with difficulties than the continental races.

It does indeed, Horn of Africa blacks cant be both a subset of caucasian and a subset of black, they must belong to one or be their own group altogether.

You're back to your essentialist thinking again. There's no contradiction in admixed populations. They can exist. African-Americans, for example, are an admixed population (approximately 80 percent west African and 20 percent European). So are most Mexicans.

The point is that admixed populations with genetic lineages from different continents were very uncommon until the Age of Discovery. The breeding barriers created by the continents were just too great to overcome.

Within continents, however, it was a much different story.

Because the model fits the data arbitrarily. As i pointed out in some pages before, horn of africa black people have "white" skulls, while having blacker skin than west africans in general.

You're just looking at phenotype, which is useful and how the old-school anthropologists used to classify race. But it's a little like using Galileo's old telescope to do modern astronomy.

The old school racial anthropologists generally got it right, but they had trouble with some groups. For example, they couldn't figure out people like the Ainu who they thought might be caucasian. They well understood classification by descent, but they rarely gave thought to convergent evolution - at least when looking at people.


But now we have much more powerful tools than those scientists had, and we're able to see into the past much more clearly. The continental racial classifications still hold up.

Indeed, but how can you make an argument for the three classical races when its obvious they fail at being proper solid groups?

They are solid groups. They just aren't impermeable groups. You want them to be essentialist categories, and I'm telling you that's just not possible.

Take brown bears and polar bears. Scientists once thought they could only breed in captivity. But now we know better. Does this mean they aren't "proper solid groups" to you? That you no longer feel comfortable separating polar bears from brown bears?

Biology is filled with these kinds of conundrums. You just have to learn to roll with it. Stop taking the categories presented in your high school biology courses so seriously.

In particular, the Seri people along the northern mainland coast of the Gulf of California and a Mayan people known as the Lacandon, near the Guatemalan border, are as genetically different from one another as Europeans are from Chinese.

Unless the Seri people are a relict of some Australo-Melanesian population that preceded what we used to think of as the original founding of the Americas, that's just not possible. So either he stumbled onto something special or he's exaggerating.

In any case, this science of population genomics is still so new that it seems like we are discovering something truly special and interesting every month.

Its not easy to displace them, but its relatively easy to implant your genes, about 8% of the people that were conquered by the mongols descend from the Genghis Khan genetic lineage.

Yes, but there was only one world conquerer and he and his boys liked their harems. In any case, the world conqueror almost exclusively left his genes in Central Asian populations, which supports what I told you about people being "more frequently displaced by genetically-similar neighbors than by groups from another continent."

Genghis Khan and his sons conquered Moscow, Kiev and Baghdad, but you don't find their heirs there.

5, counting europeans.

Yes, I didn't count them because I thought they were too obvious to mention.

Indeed, but that has served poorly since man has traveled the seas for a long time. Thats why north africans are white not black.

Yes, but a lush Sahara probably would've provided a barrier to white men eventually taking over most of North Africa. Tropical Africa was very difficult for Europeans and Middle Easterns to penetrate because of disease. They died in droves trying to explore and exploit the continent.

Subspecies is defined as populations that could produce fertile offspring but dont mix due to geography

No, it's not.

Like I thought, your mind is driven by this idea that species (and subspecies) are clear scientific concepts. They are not.

Wouldnt we be producing unfertile offspring if we were different species?



It works in some places, it doesnt in others. Thats the marker of a flawed model.

No, it works everywhere. Even where there are ancient admixed populations, it can identity the degree of admixture and approximately when it took place.

And as i pointed out, they fall short of the actual data the more we learn about humans.

Quite the opposite. The more we learn, the more your views become untenable.
So he's sincere about BLM but he might also be a complete scumbag who would lie about his mother having an affair, essentially dragging her through the mud, to maintain his elaborate scam...for what exactly? A scholarship from over a decade ago that no one can take back (and that wasn't rewarded to him based on his race anyway)?

We could believe him. A man with intimate knowledge of his family's history and no reason to lie or a "news" publication that plays fast and loose with the facts (and has an obvious racial agenda). Yeah, this isn't a hard one at all. Why even partake in this bullshit speculation? This is a real live person with a family and he's just had to make a very personal family matter public just to defend himself from a bunch of assholes who were trying to smear him to discredit BLM. Its disgraceful.

Who cares if he identifies with black even if he's only 25% black. Firstly, because its baseless speculation on your part. It is impossible to determine someone's racial admixture by skin complexion. My grandfather had a darker skin complexion than I do but he was whiter than me in terms of genetics (having a half-white mother and a quarter-white father). I also have a full blooded sibling who is lighter than me. Secondly, even if it were true, it would not be at odds with the history of racial identity in America. Jim Crow didn't exclude quadroons. Homer Plessy (of Plessy vs Ferguson fame) was 1/8th black. He looked like this:


He didn't get a pass to ride in the whites-only section of the train when his racial background was discovered.

Walter White was the president of the NAACP:


He grew up in the black part of segregated Atlanta living as a black man for all intents and purposes even though you would've had to go back 3 generations to find a non-mixed black person in his family tree. That is America's racial tradition.

Who knows if he's telling the truth. Even still, there is reason to doubt he's even more than a quarter black, and yes, more times than not, these things are overt, even if your one anecdotal example is true, or for that matter a handful of other examples. Still doesn't buck the trend. It doesn't mean he can't be a BLM leader or even feel genuine about the topic, but I don't see how his experience in any way, shape, or form could be socially comparable to the average black person - and yet, he's pretending as if it is, and has been. If someone from his childhood/teenage years can confirm, that would do a lot to end the speculation. Until then, it IS possible that he's using a movement to advance his career. It's not about shitting on BLM movement with me, but about finding out if someone is using the movement for career advancement under the "I'm one of you! I have faced your struggles!" banner that I just can't possibly see being true. There's a level of gullibleness here I can't quite wrap my head around.
Who knows if he's telling the truth. Even still, there is reason to doubt he's even more than a quarter black, and yes, more times than not, these things are overt, even if your one anecdotal example is true, or for that matter a handful of other examples. Still doesn't buck the trend. It doesn't mean he can't be a BLM leader or even feel genuine about the topic, but I don't see how his experience in any way, shape, or form could be socially comparable to the average black person - and yet, he's pretending as if it is, and has been. If someone from his childhood/teenage years can confirm, that would do a lot to end the speculation. Until then, it IS possible that he's using a movement to advance his career. It's not about shitting on BLM movement with me, but about finding out if someone is using the movement for career advancement under the "I'm one of you! I have faced your struggles!" banner that I just can't possibly see being true. There's a level of gullibleness here I can't quite wrap my head around.

Its not an anecdote. Its true of basically all black families. There is no chart that says that X% of African blood results in Y shade. My aunts and uncles are all of various shades. So are my cousins that are siblings. I have two cousins that are sisters. One is brown complexion, the other is VERY light skin. My biracial nieces (full-blooded sisters) would seem to have different percentages of black blood by your standard. One is tan-ish color with curly hair, the other is paler with long straight hair (you would probably say she was fully white or around 1/4 black based on this discussion but she has no known white ancestors on her black side so she's probably very close to 50/50).

If you haven't observed this yourself then you have probably had very limited interactions with black families.

One of his childhood friends has already came out and made statement:

Breitbart didn't report that, did it? You'll also note that a guy who wasn't a friend of his but witnessed the beating already made a statement.
Interesting discussion. I like watching the people who tryto say race is a social concept squirm when faced with new data. The most common one I hear is "well if we were different races why can we breed?" As pointed out earlier in this thread, different species can breed. There are many examples.

Interesting that many animal hybrids are tyypically smarter than either parent, and how Jews are of higher IQ. I read somewhere that Jews and Europeans have Neanderthal DNA. This all gets very racists sounding does anyone know anything about this theory?
Its not an anecdote. Its true of basically all black families. There is no chart that says that X% of African blood results in Y shade. My aunts and uncles are all of various shades. So are my cousins that are siblings. I have two cousins that are sisters. One is brown complexion, the other is VERY light skin. My biracial nieces (full-blooded sisters) would seem to have different percentages of black blood by your standard. One is tan-ish color with curly hair, the other is paler with long straight hair (you would probably say she was fully white or around 1/4 black based on this discussion but she has no known white ancestors on her black side so she's probably very close to 50/50).

If you haven't observed this yourself then you have probably had very limited interactions with black families.

One of his childhood friends has already came out and made statement:

Breitbart didn't report that, did it? You'll also note that a guy who wasn't a friend of his but witnessed the beating already made a statement.

First, thanks for that article. I could quibble points (his friend saying "Shaun got called "n****r" just as much, if not more, than myself or any of my black friends and family while growing up in Versailles" as evidence his friend didn't see him as black, or the fact that no one has still said the attack was racially motivated), but it's best to take his word on things in terms of heritage. Nonetheless, it's not something I want to parse over for the next week. Getting jumped like that, by any group of people, would anger me, especially if it had lifelong consequences. On the other end, I know a person who got jumped by a different group of people, and he has an irrational hatred of that group till this day. So if Shaun can find it in his heart to forgive said group, that's commendable.

Here's more info:
The account of the attack is very cluttered.
Its not an anecdote. Its true of basically all black families. There is no chart that says that X% of African blood results in Y shade. My aunts and uncles are all of various shades. So are my cousins that are siblings. I have two cousins that are sisters. One is brown complexion, the other is VERY light skin. My biracial nieces (full-blooded sisters) would seem to have different percentages of black blood by your standard. One is tan-ish color with curly hair, the other is paler with long straight hair (you would probably say she was fully white or around 1/4 black based on this discussion but she has no known white ancestors on her black side so she's probably very close to 50/50).

If you haven't observed this yourself then you have probably had very limited interactions with black families.

One of his childhood friends has already came out and made statement:

Breitbart didn't report that, did it? You'll also note that a guy who wasn't a friend of his but witnessed the beating already made a statement.

Friends aren't unbiased observers.
don't care about this guy or whatever he's supposed to be doing, but having worked in and with the school systems in my county, it is entirely plausible for school officials to put in a false report about what happened. I have seen it firsthand. For those pointing out the conflicting reports of the attack, the school's version is ALWAYS going to make it sound like a lame, pointless shoving match rather then someone being mob rushed and left bloody. Schools do not want those kind of attacks on the books as it can damage a many number of things for administrators and the climate of the community, especially if it is a small town.
Interesting discussion. I like watching the people who tryto say race is a social concept squirm when faced with new data. The most common one I hear is "well if we were different races why can we breed?" As pointed out earlier in this thread, different species can breed. There are many examples.

Interesting that many animal hybrids are tyypically smarter than either parent, and how Jews are of higher IQ. I read somewhere that Jews and Europeans have Neanderthal DNA. This all gets very racists sounding does anyone know anything about this theory?

You are beyond the discussion if you think that races and species are the same thing, we are arguing if the classical races fit the definition of subspecies. The same species was when talking about Homo neardenthalesis, or Homo sapiens neardenthalesis, which may have been a subspecies or a different species altogether.

Everyone outside of Africa has neardenthal DNA, and considering they went extinct so easily when met with the modern man really doesnt works in their favor in terms of intelligence.
But the example still works for the same principles - breeding separation, differential evolution, and probabilistic categories. There are no essential Jewish diseases. The probabilities for certain genetic disorders are just much higher among them than among other people. And until recently many people would've denied that the Ashkenazim were any different genetically from other Europeans.

I used the Jewish example because it's even more fraught with difficulties than the continental races.

Which is precisely why traditional races fail miserably when trying to explain human variation, because the reality is that its an extremely arbitrary set of people whose defining characteristics evolved so long ago than its virtually worthless nowadays due to increased diversity and back migration.

You're back to your essentialist thinking again. There's no contradiction in admixed populations. They can exist. African-Americans, for example, are an admixed population (approximately 80 percent west African and 20 percent European). So are most Mexicans.

Im not an essentialist, and the fact that there are admixed populations certainly makes the classical definition obsolete, since these "admixed" populations need to be redefined and given a proper taxonomical group.

The point is that admixed populations with genetic lineages from different continents were very uncommon until the Age of Discovery. The breeding barriers created by the continents were just too great to overcome.

Within continents, however, it was a much different story.

Intracontinental barriers sometimes where greated than intercontinental, yet a lot of these genetically diverse groups are thrown into the same lot, like amerindians, put into the mongoloid group, then apparently given their own group despite the fact that even among themselves diversity is simply too much.

Not to mention diversity among black people.

You're just looking at phenotype, which is useful and how the old-school anthropologists used to classify race. But it's a little like using Galileo's old telescope to do modern astronomy.

The old school racial anthropologists generally got it right, but they had trouble with some groups. For example, they couldn't figure out people like the Ainu who they thought might be caucasian. They well understood classification by descent, but they rarely gave thought to convergent evolution - at least when looking at people.


But now we have much more powerful tools than those scientists had, and we're able to see into the past much more clearly. The continental racial classifications still hold up.

Define caucasoid and negroid, we are just arguing in circles, any classification, even as fuzzy as it may be, must still have some essential qualities that may united different groups, ike vertebrata having a backbone despite the massive diversity of said species.

Whats the essential definition of white or caucasian, when does someone stops being white and starts being something else? i can assure you that whatever definition of white you put forward wouldnt fit traditionally white populations of today, either it will be broad enough to put Indians and east africans or too tight that it will leave out north africans and maybe mediterranean folk.

They are solid groups. They just aren't impermeable groups. You want them to be essentialist categories, and I'm telling you that's just not possible.

Take brown bears and polar bears. Scientists once thought they could only breed in captivity. But now we know better. Does this mean they aren't "proper solid groups" to you? That you no longer feel comfortable separating polar bears from brown bears?

You can draw essentialist characteristics that will separate nearly all polar bears from brown bears.

Biology is filled with these kinds of conundrums. You just have to learn to roll with it. Stop taking the categories presented in your high school biology courses so seriously.

These conundrums are extremely rare in nature, because of ecological niches, animals cant really leave their niche as easily as man can, a polar bear is not constrained from moving into brown bear territory because of geographical reasons, but because of ecological reasons, they cant range in brown bear territory as efficiently as they do on their own.

The reason why these things are happening its not because their intermixing was common, its because of AGW forcing the polar bear out of their natural territory.

Unless the Seri people are a relict of some Australo-Melanesian population that preceded what we used to think of as the original founding of the Americas, that's just not possible. So either he stumbled onto something special or he's exaggerating.

In any case, this science of population genomics is still so new that it seems like we are discovering something truly special and interesting every month.

Or maybe human diversity is greater than we originally thought and so was the founding of the americas and evolution among people in the Americas, but as long as people try to force the data into the model, science cant really move forward.

You are claiming that population genomics is still so new, yet you claim that classical human races are facts.

Yes, but there was only one world conquerer and he and his boys liked their harems. In any case, the world conqueror almost exclusively left his genes in Central Asian populations, which supports what I told you about people being "more frequently displaced by genetically-similar neighbors than by groups from another continent."

Genghis Khan and his sons conquered Moscow, Kiev and Baghdad, but you don't find their heirs there.

These were the outliers of their empire.

Yes, but a lush Sahara probably would've provided a barrier to white men eventually taking over most of North Africa. Tropical Africa was very difficult for Europeans and Middle Easterns to penetrate because of disease. They died in droves trying to explore and exploit the continent.

The lush sahara was populated by north africans, not black people.

Like I thought, your mind is driven by this idea that species (and subspecies) are clear scientific concepts. They are not.

No, it works everywhere. Even where there are ancient admixed populations, it can identity the degree of admixture and approximately when it took place.

Except when it doesnt.

And admixed populations its an oxymoron when talking about biology, these admixed groups need to be given their own taxonomical classification. Considering that the vast majority of human genes evolved in Africa, our races are more like genetic clustering or different admixtures than anything else, claim that there "mixed people" in the world is a joke, we are all mixed people, you may be talking about clustering, but still it falls short.

Quite the opposite. The more we learn, the more your views become untenable.

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Friends aren't unbiased observers.

His friend was mostly vouching for the fact the Shaun has ALWAYS identified himself as mixed race and that the people around him knew him as a mixed race person. There is no bias in that unless you think his friend is straight up lying. But at that point, you're starting to tread into conspiracy territory.

"Shaun King and his childhood friends are colluding to swindle Oprah out of thousands of dollars and to gain tens of thousands of twitter followers. What a diabolical plot."

It sounds fucking ridiculous and much like Birtherism, no amount of evidence to the contrary would be satisfactory to someone willing to go that deep down the rabbit hole.

You claim you aren't an essentialist when looking at race, but then you continue to demonstrate essentialist thinking on the subject.

You need to read this piece by a geneticist to get a better grasp of the subject. Race is a valid biological construct, and populations naturally come out of the data.

Which is precisely why traditional races fail miserably when trying to explain human variation, because the reality is that its an extremely arbitrary set of people whose defining characteristics evolved so long ago than its virtually worthless nowadays due to increased diversity and back migration.

No. It just means you can split these human groupings up indefinitely. Your brother is genetically closer to you than your uncle (50% compared to 25%), and both are genetically closer to you than your cousin (12.5%), who is in turn closer to you than your second cousin (3.1%). So does that mean "family" as a biological concept doesn't exist because family is continuous? Because that is the same stupid point you're making about race.

Race is nothing more than a large extended family of genetically related individuals. Now how you choose to split race up is arbitrary, just as how you talk about your family is sometimes arbitrary. You can do it by continents or by small subgroups of tribes. Both are valid.

You can even do it by the degree of admixture, as Razib Khan shows.

But the way you reason, Rod, you have to believe there is no such thing as a family.

Im not an essentialist, and the fact that there are admixed populations certainly makes the classical definition obsolete, since these "admixed" populations need to be redefined and given a proper taxonomical group.

No, most people in the world are not admixed by recent continental origin. 95 percent of Chinese are 100 percent Asian. And I'd guess that is low compared to other East Asian countries standards, like South Korea or Japan.

Similarly, I bet more than 90 percent Africans are entirely African by recent continental origin.

Even the vast majority of White Americans are still 99+ percent European by their recent continental origin.

Perhaps because you are Mexican, you tend to view continental admixture as more common than it really is. It's not common, even today.

Intracontinental barriers sometimes where greated than intercontinental, yet a lot of these genetically diverse groups are thrown into the same lot, like amerindians, put into the mongoloid group...

Yeah, sometimes that happened. Categorization was hard for scientists who didn't have much information other than phenotype to work with. So it shouldn't be too surprising that they made mistakes.

Biologists even had problems categorizing many large animals. Look at the trouble they had categorizing the Great Panda. Was it a bear or rac****? Finally, modern science was able to end the debate: The Giant Panda is a bear, although distantly related from the other existing bear species.

Still, the early scientists who categorized humans generally got more right than they got wrong - and their conclusions were more tentative than is sometimes appreciated.

...then apparently given their own group despite the fact that even among themselves diversity is simply too much.

It's not. It's just more diverse than originally thought.

Not to mention diversity among black people.

I assume you mean sub-Saharan Africans, since many black people are not closely related.

Yes, there's a lot of diversity in Africa, which is not too surprising since hominids and modern humans evolved there longer than anywhere else on the planet.

Define caucasoid and negroid, we are just arguing in circles, any classification, even as fuzzy as it may be, must still have some essential qualities that may united different groups, ike vertebrata having a backbone despite the massive diversity of said species.

None of that is true. Hagfish don't have a backbone, and they are vertebrates. And I bet if I researched it more deeply than Wikipedia, I would find other examples.

This is mistake you continue to make. You keep thinking there's something hard and fast (i.e., essential) about these categories.

Caucasoid and negroid were just two terms used by the old physical anthropologists to describe, in the case of the caucasoids, the related people inhabiting Europe and West Asia, and in the case of negroids, the people of sub-Saharan Africa and what's assumed to be relict populations in South Asia and Australia.

Whats the essential definition of white or caucasian, when does someone stops being white and starts being something else?

There is no ESSENTIAL definition for race. When are you going to learn?

i can assure you that whatever definition of white you put forward wouldnt fit traditionally white populations of today, either it will be broad enough to put Indians and east africans or too tight that it will leave out north africans and maybe mediterranean folk.

No, we can separate admixed populations like the East Africans pretty easily, just as African-Americans in Razib Khan's chart have their own grouping which is neither African nor white.

And Indians, too, are an ancient admixed population that is distinguished quite easily from Europeans, but are still genetically closer to Europeans than to East Asians or Africans, as you would expect by their geography. Check out the clusters

You can draw essentialist characteristics that will separate nearly all polar bears from brown bears.

No more than you could between Western Europeans and sub-Saharan Africans.

These conundrums are extremely rare in nature, because of ecological niches, animals cant really leave their niche as easily as man can, a polar bear is not constrained from moving into brown bear territory because of geographical reasons, but because of ecological reasons, they cant range in brown bear territory as efficiently as they do on their own.

These conundrums aren't rare at all. They happen all the time. And polar bears often interact with brown bears.

The reason why these things are happening its not because their intermixing was common, its because of AGW forcing the polar bear out of their natural territory.

Sort of like the Age of Discovery, when changes in human technology suddenly brought populations into close proximity who had never seen each other before and sometimes hadn't even been aware they had existed before.

Or maybe human diversity is greater than we originally thought and so was the founding of the americas and evolution among people in the Americas, but as long as people try to force the data into the model, science cant really move forward.

Nobody is forcing anything into the models. The only reason we can see that the founding of the Americas was more complicated than we imagined was precisely because we had clear ideas of population groups that we could work with.
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You are claiming that population genomics is still so new, yet you claim that classical human races are facts.

The age of Astronomy was still very young when planets were distinguished from moons, and while later astronomers sometimes emended these early judgements, they haven't overturned every distinction.

So it goes with the Age of the Genome.

These were the outliers of their empire.

Exactly. The further they got from home, the less genetic impact they had. They had the biggest impact among people who were already closely related to them. Central Asian tribes. Yet you named the Mongols as an example of how invasions would ensure that genetic lineages were not confined to continents.

The lush sahara was populated by north africans, not black people.

Well, I was just speculating. I don't know enough about the exact climate history of the Sahara to be sure, but there must have been a significant barrier there.

Except when it doesn't.

No, it works everywhere. It's just a matter of using the scientific techniques on more and more populations to further illuminate a more precise history of human populations.

And admixed populations its an oxymoron when talking about biology, these admixed groups need to be given their own taxonomical classification.

Well, you can if you want.. But I think they need to be become a stable and separated population with their own stable population history before I worried about it. Certainly, East Africans are distinct enough, large enough, and old enough to merit the idea.

But if you know some Native American who had a child with an Australoid, I'm not sure that matters to anyone but them.

Considering that the vast majority of human genes evolved in Africa, our races are more like genetic clustering or different admixtures than anything else, claim that there "mixed people" in the world is a joke, we are all mixed people, you may be talking about clustering, but still it falls short.

And an ant is related to a whale. They share DNA. That doesn't really tell us anything useful, though, about them as species.

Recent continental admixture is quite different than ancient mixtures. If your mother and father are of a different race, that's quite different than the fact that 40,000 years ago some of your distant relations fucked Neanderthals.
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Biologists even had problems categorizing many large animals. Look at the trouble they had categorizing the Great Panda. Was it a bear or rac****? Finally, modern science was able to end the debate: The Giant Panda is a bear, although distantly related from the other existing bear species.

So I take it this stupid software doesn't allow one to spell the name of a common North American mammal because it thinks you're using a racial slur.
The age of Astronomy was still very young when planets were distinguished from moons, and while later astronomers sometimes emended these early judgements, they haven't overturned every distinction.

So it goes with the Age of the Genome.

We are specifically arguing about the traditional continental races, not human diversity in general.

Exactly. The further they got from home, the less genetic impact they had. They had the biggest impact among people who were already closely related to them. Central Asian tribes. Yet you named the Mongols as an example of how invasions would ensure that genetic lineages were not confined to continents.

I was pointing out how a relatively small initial population can have a massive impact.

Well, I was just speculating. I don't know enough about the exact climate history of the Sahara to be sure, but there must have been a significant barrier there.

Disease was not a barrier, humans have little natural barriers, colonists lacked the know-how of how to survive such enviroment and thats why they had trouble with these climates.

No, it works everywhere. It's just a matter of using the scientific techniques on more and more populations to further illuminate a more precise history of human populations.

When you force the model into the data? sure, everything works that way, as i said before i can draw a correlation between how sunny it is in Arizona and the price of oil. That means squat if the model doesnt accurately predicts outside of the data used to calibrate such model.

Thats why commercial DNA tests puts Indians, North Africans, Horn of Africa and Europeans into "european" because these tests are calibrated using pretty arbitrary and broad models.

So sure, you can make the model fit, if you include populations that historically have never been considered white.

Well, you can if you want.. But I think they need to be become a stable and separated population with their own stable population history before I worried about it. Certainly, East Africans are distinct enough, large enough, and old enough to merit the idea.

But if you know some Native American who had a child with an Australoid, I'm not sure that matters to anyone but them.

Like hispanics? like west indies black people? like Indians? like Egyptians? tons of peoples nowadays are "mixed", the term itself is a joke, since there is no merit to a multiregional origin of man.

You call them mixed because you are already using an arbitrary set of original groups, groups that have never really stopped mixing.

an ant is related to a whale. They share DNA. That doesn't really tell us anything useful, though, about them as species.

Recent continental admixture is quite different than ancient mixtures. If your mother and father are of a different race, that's quite different than the fact that 40,000 years ago some of your distant relations fucked Neanderthals.

They dont share the same genes, very few genes have actually evolved since humans left Africa, man doesnt really needs to evolve that much because we actually have the brains to adapt to new ecological niches without the need to undergo serious evolution.
We are specifically arguing about the traditional continental races, not human diversity in general.

The discussion has been about both. You brought up the latter because of the mistaken view that humans were too diverse to categorize by continents.

I was pointing out how a relatively small initial population can have a massive impact.

No, that's not how the discussion got started. You were trying to counter my argument that continental barriers were major impediments to gene flow. That's why you mentioned Genghis Khan.

Unfortunately for you, there's one major problem. The World Conqueror's genetic legacy is almost exclusively found in Central and East Asia. There was some small Mongoloid genetic contribution to the southern Russians and the people of the Caucasus, and you can find some East Asian-looking populations in West Asia (i.e., the Hazara of Afghanistan), but not much.

Disease was not a barrier...

What are you talking about? Disease was a huge barrier for intercontinental population displacement and admixture in Africa. Huge.

One doesn't need to know the climatic history of the Sahara to know that white and Middle Eastern populations had tremendous difficulties surviving in the sub-Saharan African continent until almost the 20th century.

That's one reason the continent remained unexplored until the late 19th century, even though other lands far away were being colonized and/or dominated by Europeans.

Haven't you ever wondered why the Scramble for Africa took place so late in European colonial history, even though the continent is the closest of all the continents to Western Europe and the Europeans very much desired it? That's because diseases kept killing off the Europeans who tried to enter Africa.

It was the inverse of what happened in the Americas, where European diseases devastated the natives. In Africa, local diseases devastated the European explorers. Africa was even called the "White Man's Grave". There are stories of a group of whites, maybe ten or so, going into the heart of Africa on an expedition with a large group of natives, and a few months later one sickly white guy makes it back the coast by himself. His fellow chums? All dead of disease.

I don't know what the Sahara's exact climate was like. Was it moderate like South Africa, where white men could live, or was there a belt of lush tropical vegetation and primates, where tropical diseases were common?

If the answer is the latter, that would have been a sufficient barrier to prevent caucusoid populations from entering Africa. They would have been stuck on the Mediterranean littoral where they are still found today, for they had no natural genetic defenses, as the African natives did, to those deadly diseases.

... humans have little natural barriers, colonists lacked the know-how of how to survive such enviroment and thats why they had trouble with these climates.

No, it's far more complicated than that. Disease a huge barrier. And once a large enough population grew in a region, it was difficult to displace by invasion alone. Alexander the Great invaded what is today called India, but there's no evidence he left any significant genetic contribution to that land. And that's true even though he encouraged his men to wed the native girls.

.When you force the model into the data? sure, everything works that way, as i said before i can draw a correlation between how sunny it is in Arizona and the price of oil. That means squat if the model doesnt accurately predicts outside of the data used to calibrate such model.

Nobody is forcing the data into a model. The population structures drop out of the data naturally. The gaps are there. Nobody has to put them there.

Thats why commercial DNA tests puts Indians, North Africans, Horn of Africa and Europeans into "european" because these tests are calibrated using pretty arbitrary and broad models.

First, commercial tests are shit. They are there to make money, not for science.

Second, as you've seen, vertebrates is a pretty broad model. But as broad as it is, there are still things which fall outside of it.

Rod, you keep struggling with the categories. You keep telling me that you don't believe in essentialism, but then you talk as if there is no choice but to believe in essentialism.

So sure, you can make the model fit, if you include populations that historically have never been considered white.

Whiteness has nothing to do with it.

Like hispanics? like west indies black people? like Indians? like Egyptians? tons of peoples nowadays are "mixed", the term itself is a joke, since there is no merit to a multiregional origin of man.

Well, some Hispanics are not Mestizos. Obviously a majority are, but there are still significant numbers of European, Native American, and even Black Hispanics. And that's on two continents where the natives were wiped out.

You call them mixed because you are already using an arbitrary set of original groups, groups that have never really stopped mixing.

Well, no, they did stop mixing or you wouldn't be able to do precise admixture studies on them. Did you read the link I provided or not? You're talking like you didn't bother to read it.

They dont share the same genes, very few genes have actually evolved since humans left Africa...

That's complete fucking horseshit. You're talking as if the last thing you read on human evolution was from the 1980s. It's been estimated that there has been selection on more than ten percent of the human genome over the last five thousand years alone. doesnt really needs to evolve that much because we actually have the brains to adapt to new ecological niches without the need to undergo serious evolution.

Well, you'll need to share your revelations with science, since the people who study evolution are under the belief that it's a rapidly ongoing process.

But I'm sure you're smarter than the scientists, Rod.
The discussion has been about both. You brought up the latter because of the mistaken view that humans were too diverse to categorize by continents.

And they are too diverse to categorize by continents.

No, that's not how the discussion got started. You were trying to counter my argument that continental barriers were major impediments to gene flow. That's why you mentioned Genghis Khan.

No, you said that small populations cant possibly have an effect on large populations. Thats what i was arguing.

Unfortunately for you, there's one major problem. The World Conqueror's genetic legacy is almost exclusively found in Central and East Asia. There was some small Mongoloid genetic contribution to the southern Russians and the people of the Caucasus, and you can find some East Asian-looking populations in West Asia (i.e., the Hazara of Afghanistan), but not much.

Unfortunately for you that was not the point i was addressing.

What are you talking about? Disease was a huge barrier for intercontinental population displacement and admixture in Africa. Huge.

Got any evidence?

One doesn't need to know the climatic history of the Sahara to know that white and Middle Eastern populations had tremendous difficulties surviving in the sub-Saharan African continent until almost the 20th century.

They had tremendous difficulties because 1) there were people there that waged war against them 2) they didnt had the know how to survive such abrupt enviromental change. There is still a gradient among black people in all Africa, there is not real barrier but the sahara, the sahel is very mixed for once.

That's one reason the continent remained unexplored until the late 19th century, even though other lands far away were being colonized and/or dominated by Europeans.

Again evidence? because central America and the amazonian were colonized and dominated just fine, its more likely that they found more resistance or found less worth in subsahara africa than the Americas.

Haven't you ever wondered why the Scramble for Africa took place so late in European colonial history, even though the continent is the closest of all the continents to Western Europe and the Europeans very much desired it? That's because diseases kept killing off the Europeans who tried to enter Africa.

Ever wondered why the romans and greeks went as far as Iran and beyond but never really bothered with Germany?

It was the inverse of what happened in the Americas, where European diseases devastated the natives. In Africa, local diseases devastated the European explorers. Africa was even called the "White Man's Grave". There are stories of a group of whites, maybe ten or so, going into the heart of Africa on an expedition with a large group of natives, and a few months later one sickly white guy makes it back the coast by himself. His fellow chums? All dead of disease.

Tropical diseases also existed in America and europeans colonized it just fine. It had more to do with europeans being ill prepared to live off that land.

I don't know what the Sahara's exact climate was like. Was it moderate like South Africa, where white men could live, or was there a belt of lush tropical vegetation and primates, where tropical diseases were common?

Got any scientific evidence for this theory you are treating as fact?

If the answer is the latter, that would have been a sufficient barrier to prevent caucusoid populations from entering Africa. They would have been stuck on the Mediterranean littoral where they are still found today, for they had no natural genetic defenses, as the African natives did, to those deadly diseases.

Again, unfounded guesswork.

No, it's far more complicated than that. Disease a huge barrier. And once a large enough population grew in a region, it was difficult to displace by invasion alone. Alexander the Great invaded what is today called India, but there's no evidence he left any significant genetic contribution to that land. And that's true even though he encouraged his men to wed the native girls.

Alexander the great empire lasted less than a decade.

Nobody is forcing the data into a model. The population structures drop out of the data naturally. The gaps are there. Nobody has to put them there.

Yes, there is, nobody considers Indians white, a lot of people dont consider Semites white and certainly nobody considers horn of africa blacks as white.

Yet in commercial DNA tests, these groups are considered white.

First, commercial tests are shit. They are there to make money, not for science.

Second, as you've seen, vertebrates is a pretty broad model. But as broad as it is, there are still things which fall outside of it.

Name one vertebrate that belong into another subphylum?

Rod, you keep struggling with the categories. You keep telling me that you don't believe in essentialism, but then you talk as if there is no choice but to believe in essentialism.

Actually no, if you have only 3 races, then every human must belong to one, and no human can belong to both, while categories are certainly not essentialist, they must have at least a essentialist element to it.\

The vertebrate group is broad categories, but they all have vertebras that the essentialist point.

Continental races dont have any essentialist category, therefore its value as group is statistical at best.

Whiteness has nothing to do with it.

It certainly does for the continental race model.

Well, some Hispanics are not Mestizos. Obviously a majority are, but there are still significant numbers of European, Native American, and even Black Hispanics. And that's on two continents where the natives were wiped out.

No, there is a significant number of european, blacks and amerindian looking people, but the vast majority is mixed, even if they look white on the outside.

Also native american? i already pointed out the genetic diversity of amerindians, its like using asians to indicate that Indians, semitic people and chinese people are the same.

That's complete fucking horseshit. You're alking as if the last thing you read on human evolution was from the 1980s. It's been estimated that there has been selection on more than ten percent of the human genome over the last five thousand years alone.

It accounts for changes that have zero to do with geography and all to do with humans becoming sedentary.

Well, you'll need to share your revelations with science, since the people who study evolution are under the belief that it's a rapidly ongoing process.

But I'm sure you're smarter than the scientists, Rod.

So you are smarter than the scientists that say that traditional human races are BS?

Your whole argument is that if you can tell people apart, then they are their own race, yet we can tell apart people apart even among traditional races, sometimes we cant tell them apart among different races.
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