Bill Maher calls out David Hogg as a bully for the Ingraham boycott...liberals meltdown

Funny, you know supports getting people fired from TV whom you disagree with?

Laura Ingraham.

People on the right loved boycotts over "culture war" issues until they started getting bitten in the ass.

That's what happens when you stand for nothing.
He is going to be one spiteful cunt, when he realizes his 15 minutes are up. He seems unstable, with delusions of grandeur.
Hogg's not dangerous, his enablers are. Smart move really...They're ongoing efforts to chip away at gun rights would only be able to get so far without majority positions in government and the same old talking heads spouting their shit. Now, they have a fresh young face to push out as the voice of the "kids". Not really anything new in the Lib emotional and social blackmail playbook, but they have a more potentially effective mouthpiece eager to earn his gold star and fame.
I always come to sherdog for my David Hogg news
> says to ignore him
> makes threads about him

Also, another conservative thread started from a Trumper watching CNN and getting triggered.

The hilarity never ends.
It's best to ignore children when they throw a temper tantrum and think they know everthing.

The more the anti 2nd liberials push him to the front as some kind of spokes person the worse he and they look.

He is long past the "am a victim so you wants say bad things about me " stage .

If he wants to talk shit and keep it up then like any spoiled child enough get to be enough and you have to put them back in place.
1st amendment doesn't say anything about corporations having to finance television shows.
So, do you believe that Ingrams comments about Hogg on public television are correct? Or do you think she should have absolutely no consequences for what she says on television?

She shouldn't have said it . . . but the freak out afterwards was stupid. Hogg heard something said about him that he didn't like and through a fit the only way he knows how.
Reliving the glory days of your guys' butthurt from a couple weeks ago? Weird bump.
Yes . . . that has to be it.

Seems like the opposite of ignoring him. The guy who bumped the thread said we should ignore him. Hell, I didn't even know about this until the deadshot guy posted it.