Bernie slams Nikki Haley, AKA writes a respectful letter of disagreement

And I read the article @Sohei. Thanks for sharing.

Here is the official critique (I haven't read it yet)

Its funny, I read this line in the critique:

Similarly, large numbers of welfare recipients are assumed to be living high on “the dole”. Some politicians and political appointees with whom the Special Rapporteur spoke were completely sold on the narrative of such scammers sitting on comfortable sofas, watching cable television or spending their days on their smartphones, all paid for by welfare. The Special Rapporteur wonders how many of those politicians have ever visited poor areas, let alone spoken to those who dwell there. There are anecdotes aplenty, but little evidence. In every society, there are those who abuse the system, as much in the upper income levels as in the lower. But in reality, the poor are overwhelmingly those born into poverty, or those thrust there by circumstances largely beyond their control, such as physical or mental disabilities, divorce, family breakdown, illness, old age, unliveable wages or discrimination in the job market.

Sounds like those politicians post here on Sherdog! I wonder if they mentioned Iphones to the UN official or asked him to compare those poor people to medieval kings?
Conservative - WHAT? Let in immigrants??????? WHAT ABOUT THE POOR PEOPLE IN OUR COUNTRY????
Liberal - Ok, let's help the poor people with free healthcare, increased food programs, and free higher education.

wash. rinse. repeat.

You can also replace "immigrants" with anything else like aid to developing countries, among other things.
It's almost like I believe you should earn your own lifestyle and stay away from my pocketbook. Crazy

Literally better than the rich in Venezuela.

Also it isnt my fault when you are an incredible fuck up
The rise of Sanders is at least inspiring in that it shows that at least Americans understand the importance of certain Democratic Socialist ideals for a functioning society.

Honestly shutting down costly bases, providing Americans with affordable healthcare and education should be the doctrine of the America First types.

Alas they seem to be emboldened by the "don't touch my money" types, which often ironically comes from people in states thar are absolutely sucking the federal teat. Without money from the economic and tax power houses that are often more liberal, many states would fall to the wayside and end in absolute poverty outside of certain economic centers (often urban)

Notice the rights infatuation with coal over the years, how we have to help coal workers. Which is inherently a good idea, but the bootstraps ideology isn't as present.

Sanders is absolutely right here, the massive income desparity in the US is shocking. People are so obsessed with the degradation of the middle class, and seem to think socialists want to turn the rich into the middle class when education/healthcare would boost the lower class into the next level.
The rise of Sanders is at least inspiring in that it shows that at least Americans understand the importance of certain Democratic Socialist ideals for a functioning society.

Honestly shutting down costly bases, providing Americans with affordable healthcare and education should be the doctrine of the America First types.

Alas they seem to be emboldened by the "don't touch my money" types, which often ironically comes from people in states thar are absolutely sucking the federal teat. Without money from the economic and tax power houses that are often more liberal, many states would fall to the wayside and end in absolute poverty outside of certain economic centers (often urban)

Notice the rights infatuation with coal over the years, how we have to help coal workers. Which is inherently a good idea, but the bootstraps ideology isn't as present.

Sanders is absolutely right here, the massive income desparity in the US is shocking. People are so obsessed with the degradation of the middle class, and seem to think socialists want to turn the rich into the middle class when education/healthcare would boost the lower class into the next level.

The problem really of course is that the conservatives as indoctrinated much of the population very successfully to the idea that their behind any wealth they have and that anyone to the left would look to go after that wealth.

The reality for me is that conservatives are and always have been acting in the interests of the ultra wealthy, these are the people who would likely loose out were someone like Sanders or Corbyn to actually come to power. You don't even need to view it from increased taxation, actually closing loopholes that conservatives and neoliberal centralists have deliberately kept open costing billions/trillions in public revenue would go along way.
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