Awful news: Ray Borg's new born son to undergo brain surgery

Damn. This is terrible news. I hope Baby Borg makes it through okay
poor little guy, sending positive thoughts their way.
I just don't understand why people put something so personal on the internet, I mean here is a good example you already have somebody posting somebody elses shit online

It's for mental support from friends and family and the community during a difficult time. Some people prefer privacy; some need external supports.
Very sad.. I hope everything works out ok and the little man lives a long happy life.
As someone who just lost a family member this morning.... this is wrecking me. That is a helpless and terrifying feeling, for sure. I hope he's got lots of support in his family and friends.
there not paying sadly

If Ray needs some help I am sure the UFC will help. This is not arguing about getting injured in training, and the UFC not wanting to pick up the tab. This is serious life altering stuff here..
I remember when my son was born 5 years ago they immediately whisked him away and they seemed very worried his head was bigger than normal. I dont remember much from that day, but I remember feeling the pit of my stomach "falling" and this wave of panic paralyzing me.

Turned out my kid just a had a big noggin. But that moment I honestly thought he was going to need brain surgery right away.

I hope little Borg pulls through. Thats just awful. Hopefully we hear good news soon
Damn, that's tragic.

All the best to Borg and his family.

Keep strong little warrior!!!
They will put a shunt that drains the cerebrospinal spinal fluid into his stomach to relieve the pressure. Too long of that pressure and it damages the optic nerve and other bad things. Kid can live a perfectly normal life. Length of tube will need to be changed as he grows which will involve more surgeries.

Unless it's a mass blocking a ventricle that can be removed. Outlook is good for the little tyke I hope.
I know more than one person who's been in that situation, albeit not baby age
Sorry to read that, all the more reason to sue Conor McGregor's ass off...
Hoping for the best.

Any reason for this hydrocephalus? Usually because of infection or tumor...
Typically a tumor or mass blocking a ventricle preventing the normal flow of cerebrospinal fluid, then it has no where to go except build up and create pressure