Assassin's Creed

Watching my buddy play Odyssey and while Kassandra's characterization does an admirable rep. for female protagonists in the series as well as a solid V.O. job, the story is terrible imo

Sorry but some of us actually read Thucydides and Herodotus when we were younger. You can't make the real stuff up, and it was better than half the fictional power moves in Odyssey. 90% of the in-game soldiers needed to be slaves, not countryside bros hanging out. They needed to be terrified and flee battles en-masse. Half of the war was fought by preventing one side from abandoning the battlefield meanwhile everything/everyone in Odyssey fights with the Fury and Dedication of A Thousand Suns to the death over 30 bucks. Where are my javelin throwers. Where are my roving bands of Deserters pillaging the countryside. Where are my chained rowers drowning with the ship screaming. The Peloponnesian War ain't no game son