Are transgender woman the future partners for CIS men?

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Well, i will try anything twice.
I wonder how many poor souls get lulled in by threads like this, then realize that in the real world, you can pretty accurately tell by the smell and body proportions. That will make for some really awkward "dirty motel bedroom" talk.
Probably. I wouldn't expect any of us in here today to be into it and be repulsed by the idea, but we also are adults and didn't grow up in a trans-friendly world. Looking at it logically, if a guy just wanted a hot woman and didn't want kids, with medical and cosmetic technology where it is and only improving, there could (probably will) be a point where guys won't even be able to have a choice because they won't be able to tell the difference.

If I knew a guy that was dating one that looked that Carmen Carrera chick, my instant reaction would be revulsion, but I'd get it and wouldn't judge.
Goddamn sherdog is getting effin gross
Just throwing this out there.
I used to work in a porn store, around 1998-1999, and the almost 99% of the time, the guys that bought trans porn bought straight porn also...not gay.

I think they were just too ashamed to admit they were bi. Dudes with tits give them the best of both worlds and they can just proclaim your not progressive enough to consider them women.
Unless you've had recto-sigmoid colon vaginoplasty you won't be able to self-lubricate, that's a myth. Neovaginas are basically a long dent with a wall in the back, there's nowhere for lubrication or secretions to even come from. But sometimes if you dilate recently before sex, the lubrication from the dilator will still leave a coating of lubrication inside, if you're worried about the awkwardness of having to grab lube before having sex (although there's nothing unusual or awkward about that in the first place, every guy I've been with has been more than happy to do so). Sometimes if a guy is going down on you for a long time a lot of drool/saliva accumulates around that region so maybe that's why so many think they get wet?

As for intercourse, yes with a bigger partner it feels very tight and can be uncomfortable although with smaller partners it hasn't been so bad. But as Fethis noted, using the bigger dilators and doing your dilations religiously will help ease this over time (as far as girth is concerned, not depth). I can't orgasm from sex but it's still enjoyable as an intimate experience and I like just feeling dicks and looking at a guy's face feeling good. I've orgasmed around 5 times in my 18 months post op of being almost continuously sexually active, all of which were from getting eaten out. Probably because it takes a long time for me (a guy has to be down there at LEAST 20-30min) and a lot of guys just don't know what they're doing anyways so I ask them to stop after a a few minutes. Then there are the guys who just don't go down on girls at all.

Looks wise, everything is perfect. Not to sound slutty but I've slept with and been naked with a lot of men and have never been questioned about any abnormalities so everything must be good. I don't like looking at vaginas so when I was at my consultation and the doctor asked what aesthetic I like I just asked for whatever his standard was, and I have a very discreet tiny slit, cute and porno-y.

I went to Dr. Chettawut fwiw

If they don't "dilate," it will close up. There was one DISGUSTING story of the scrotal skin used for the fake vagina still growing hair, and the trans had to scoop out hair balls... kind of like a cat.
"Incel"..."cuck" etc.

I literally only ever hear these terms on Sherdog.
Nobody wants to snuggle with a tranny. They probably snore like a man.
Damn, all the virgins in here got their jimmies rustled by the thought of trans women.
0.6% of the population is trans, so no.
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