Are low singles a dick move in bjj?

Started drilling this technique tonight and I think it's great. Seems effective and I hope to improve on this.
Agreed 100% with everyone who said "not a dick move". The only time I ever saw anyone get hurt from this, it was because the guy attempting it didn't actually know how to do it properly and just kind of canon-balled himself at his opponents legs. That same thing could happen with any improperly executed takedown.

Other than that, I've seen it executed 100s of times live and not seen one injury from it.
You're not supposed to be driving your shoulder in. Watch John Smith do it.
its not a dick move.. its legit
just as knee on sternum to even knee on head are legit positions

not if you are using it just to cause pain, yeah you are a dick.. but still the move itself is legit
I've been drilling these a lot. The John Smith variety, not the Saku kind. I like it a lot as a shot, but I know an old wrester who says it is a dick move in BJJ b/c people don't know how to defend it and you are liable to blow your opponent's knee out. But that seems kinda unlikely to me. Would like some more thoughts. Danke.

lol it is like the exact opposite of a dick move. who gets their knee blown out by a low single.
Guard jumping and stack passing are dick moves and have caused serious injuries.
On an interesting note:
I just remembered I know a guy who broke his clavicle while doing this takedown. He cannonballed and hit the other's guy shin with it. Snap.
Well it depends how you stack pass if you lift the guy and then jump onto his neck it's a dick move, same goes for guard jumping.