Anyone use snus?

My rugby teammate in college used to have this Swedish snus but it was in pouches.

I occasionally dip Skoal and Cope longcut, but im trying to quit altogether.
In response to this post and the guy that posted a disgusting mouth, snus is not only cleaner but infinitely healthier than normal dip.

No proven cancer or tooth loss risk. No need to spit. Just better and more discrete as you can put it in your upper lip rather than have a bulging lower lip of dip
Lol. Sure big guy.

Why are you shaking your head Dom? Dont believe in proven research and science?

Snus is processed a different way as to not contain the shit that causes cancer
Keep telling yourself that.

Not personally but my dude goes through a billion packages a week
Bro? Please tell me you are trolling me right now? You have convinced yourself that one form of this is better than the other, when they both do the same thing.


They both have nicotine and thus negative effects on heart health. Yes.

One causes massive oral/throat/stomach damage and the other absolutely does not. Verified by science and research. So yes, snus is objectively better for you than dip.

Try to keep up bro
They both have nicotine and thus negative effects on heart health. Yes.

One causes massive oral/throat/stomach damage and the other absolutely does not. Verified by science and research. So yes, snus is objectively better for you than dip.

Try to keep up bro
Propaganda ^^^
I used to be a dipper for years. I didn’t mind suns at all.
First time I've agreed with something sniper has posted. Throw that snus/anus shit in the trash and pack ya a real bear claw, copenhagen snuff.

Why would you want to look like a pussy when you can look like a badass with a fat hunk of chaw?

I want to spit my tobacco, not milk it like a dick.
I fucks with it
Tobacco's honestly ridiculous and a huge money dump. Thousands of dollars a year down the drain and costing healthcare. And I smoked for 5 years. The whole tobacco industry is a sham.
Better to leave those things alone. Those snus'll be the death of ya.
I say you jump to Copenhagen, then straight cut, eventually leading to nicotine skin balms and lotions, with a sad ending to mainlining a cooked up hit to your tastebuds.
Googled snus. Sounds gross. That’s not a real thing right? Even spellcheck keeps changing it to suns.
Any other disgusting degenerate nicotine addicts here fancy snus? I've been using camel for the last few years. Its all I can get around here really. I'm dying to try some Swedish snus though. I know its infinitely more powerful. I'm going to see if I cant order some online. I used to use General snus but got burned out on their flavors.

Its funny, 9/10 times I go to a gas station other than my usual and ask for snus, they look at me like I'm speaking another language and I have to point it out to them. Its use really has not picked up at all in the states.

edit: Did not mean to post this in war room. Can a mod move please? Sure.
First time I've agreed with something sniper has posted. Throw that snus/anus shit in the trash and pack ya a real bear claw, copenhagen snuff.

Why would you want to look like a pussy when you can look like a badass with a fat hunk of chaw?

I want to spit my tobacco, not milk it like a dick.

Fucking lol.

Because I have a beautiful smile and I enjoy looking like a male model. You enjoy your black teeth and gum recession

Lol. This thread reeks of poverty.

christ your posting is so cringey. rehashed memes and overtly aggressive insults in every single post. What is making you so sad in life?

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