Anyone use snus?


Steel Belt
Dec 7, 2011
Reaction score
Any other disgusting degenerate nicotine addicts here fancy snus? I've been using camel for the last few years. Its all I can get around here really. I'm dying to try some Swedish snus though. I know its infinitely more powerful. I'm going to see if I cant order some online. I used to use General snus but got burned out on their flavors.

Its funny, 9/10 times I go to a gas station other than my usual and ask for snus, they look at me like I'm speaking another language and I have to point it out to them. Its use really has not picked up at all in the states.

edit: Did not mean to post this in war room. Can a mod move please? Sure.
I misread it as "anus" and was intrigued.

Sorry, I do not use... snus.

I guess in the States most people are vaping with e-cigs or something.
Finally someone shining a light on the deep partisan divide over snus.

The deep state has always wanted you to use snus.
As someone living in Sweden, snus is deplorable! I rather smoke polonium flavored cigarettes than using snus...
As someone living in Sweden, snus is deplorable! I rather smoke polonium flavored cigarettes than using snus...


Snus is the greatest Swedish invention since platinum blondes with perfect tits!


My brand
Yes, it’s how I quit smoking. Camel/Marlboro snus absolutely sucks and is nothing like real snus. I order mine from snuscentral, even with the exorbitant shipping cost it’s still only like 3-4 dollars a tin.
Yeah, it's a nice holdover during work hours. Camel Mellow is where it's at.
Snus is pussy shit. Why not just put in a pinch of the real shit?
Snus is pussy shit. Why not just put in a pinch of the real shit?
In response to this post and the guy that posted a disgusting mouth, snus is not only cleaner but infinitely healthier than normal dip.

No proven cancer or tooth loss risk. No need to spit. Just better and more discrete as you can put it in your upper lip rather than have a bulging lower lip of dip
In response to this post and the guy that posted a disgusting mouth, snus is not only cleaner but infinitely healthier than normal dip.

No proven cancer or tooth loss risk. No need to spit. Just better and more discrete as you can put it in your upper lip rather than have a bulging lower lip of dip
Why are you shaking your head Dom? Dont believe in proven research and science?

Snus is processed a different way as to not contain the shit that causes cancer
Bro? Please tell me you are trolling me right now? You have convinced yourself that one form of this is better than the other, when they both do the same thing.

Trolling in the war room is strictly forbidden. Anymore outbursts like this and I'm going to have to report you to the moderation team.