Anyone have sleep apnea?

Yeah, I don't think you're understanding what I'm trying to get across here. I thought I made it pretty clear in my previous posts, but I'll clarify some more with a little more information.

I was sent to a sleep specialist by a neurologist. I've had a number of concussions and my sleep has not been right since a car accident in 2001. It never made any sense to go to a sleep specialist to begin with when my problems stem from TBI but the neurologist wanted me to and I did not see the harm in going. I live in Canada, so it does not cost me extra to go see a sleep specialist. In an earlier post I mentioned (and this was only in the last month) I saw an osteopath who noticed my sternum bones (there are three of them) were going every which way, plus a collarbone jammed up against the sternum restricting an artery that runs up the neck to the brain. Do you think that may affect breathing to a degree? I could have had that these issues for decades and I wasn't even aware of it. Having a sleep device to help me breathe while sleeping is not going to solve anything. My body was not balanced.

You can defend doctors all you want, but I've had too many instances where they have been wrong about things going on in my body outside of the things I've listed. People don't lose the ability to breathe all of a sudden without something else going on in the body. A machine isn't going to fix your breathing. We're designed to be dependent on a man-made device to sleep? If you're some fat fuck with all your organs smushed together, lose weight by eliminating processed foods and sugary drinks from your diet. If weight isn't the issue look elsewhere; there is something going on in the body. Treat the root case and not symptoms is what I'm trying to get across to readers. Better yet, trust that inner voice when you sense something is bullshit and walk away from it and do more digging. The bullshit in this case was that the doctor wanted to sell me a sleep device even before I had the sleep study done.

Do you see why someone may have a problem with a doctor trying to sell a device even before the sleep study is completed? A sleep study can show how deep your sleep is, but is a machine going to address why one isn't sleeping to being with? How long before they sell portable oxygen tanks for people to walk around with during the day because a doctor prescribed it?

Doctors make incorrect diagnosis all the time. They only know what they are indoctrinated in. We're told that we live in the pinnacle of health care, yet people are sicker than ever. Sadly, you have to be your own doctor in a way with the way the medical community is presently. I didn't live in that era, but at one time doctors were paid if you got better. That would be a much better system to go back to.
Got us a MD here, folks
OSA is super common. Up to 25% of the general public have it. If you're overweight, that number jumps to around 50%. If you are at risk, go get a sleep study. Untreated sleep apnea has all kinds of bad health consequences.