Any advice for a new Mass Effect player.


Blue pussy is the best pussy.

Blue pussy is the best pussy.
I always take her with me for the Shadow Broker DLC
That last 3rd of ME1 was absolutely epic. But yeah adept is nerfed hard when they introduced the armor and shield bars. Basically makes adept only useful for clean up duty on weakened tough enemies and trash mobs.

Actually if you know some of the deeper combat mechanics like how to combo Biotic Explosions and Fire Explosions with primers and detonators biotics are still OP as fuck. Warp and Singularity are good AoE and barrier DoT skills and if you detonate a DoT armored mob then you can detonate them for huge armor damage. Works good against Atlas', Brutes, Banshees, Geth Primes, and Scions. The Fire Explosions are godly too and are more Soldier based combos set up with Frag Grenades and Incinerate for example.