Antarctica Melting 3x Faster Than We Thought


Nazi Punks Fuck Off
Platinum Member
May 11, 2016
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The rate of Antarctic ice melt has tripled in the past five years, with more than 200 billion tons of ice flooding into oceans annually, according to new research.

If melting continues at this pace, we could expect an extra 6 inches of sea level rise by 2100 on top of present projections.

So, if anyone still cares about stuff like science or climate change... it's still there.

The rate of Antarctic ice melt has tripled in the past five years, with more than 200 billion tons of ice flooding into oceans annually, according to new research.

If melting continues at this pace, we could expect an extra 6 inches of sea level rise by 2100 on top of present projections.

So, if anyone still cares about stuff like science or climate change...

I've heard just about enough from you today, mister.
Sorry, I should listen to the mods and close my filthy liberal mouth.
You trying to derail your own thread?

This has nothing to do with #metoo and your disgraceful support of it against luminaries like Garrison Keillor. Stay on topic.
LOL, did someone say that to you?
Only sort of. I've been marked for "public shaming" I think was the phrase.


Anyway, back on topic.

Antarctica is melting

and if you give a shit, you are a triggered liberal cuck...
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This pertains to my interests.

We’re in for some interesting times over the next 100 years
Would you have preferred another ice age in 1,000 years, putting Canada and Europe under a mile of ice in a 5,000 year never-ending winter? I don't think that would work. Shore line property is a long term sucker bet, and we basically had to terraform to prevent the destruction of the places where everybody in the world wants to live.
Hang on, I’ll brb. I’m gonna go do something about
The earth has been much hotter than the present in the past, and will continue to heat up after we reduce green house gasses. This is not a political problem. It is an inevitable problem that should be addressed logically.
Let’s jusg block out the sun so they stop melting and less cow farts right ?
What makes this prospect terrifying for me is that we don't know enough about how we should expect this to affect the ocean-to-human food chain- where is the tipping point? Do we lose species slowly, or very suddenly? The sea level rise we can deal with- it will come at a tremendous cost in terms of lives labor and money, but we will deal with it. But we won't deal with the loss of fish. We'll just die by the billion.
The earth has been much hotter than the present in the past, and will continue to heat up after we reduce green house gasses. This is not a political problem. It is an inevitable problem that should be addressed logically.
Any solution to the problem, to the extent it's possible, is political though. And we have one major political party denying the problem and they so happen to be in control of all three branches of government.
And we have one major political party denying the problem

We are denying there is currently a problem yes. It would help if people didn't sensationalize and pretend the sky is falling. What issue are you actually afraid of happening here?
We are denying there is currently a problem yes. It would help if people didn't sensationalize and pretend the sky is falling. What issue are you actually afraid of happening here?
It would help if people agreed with you guys and acknowledged there is no problem? This is a weird post or I'm not understanding what you're trying to say.
I hope it melts even quicker. The earth needs a wholesale cleanse and water seems more survivable/recoverable than a space rock collision.
Trump is melting the ice caps and separating new borns from their mothers. What a scum-bag.
What's even the point of nonsense like this? The criticism that should be, and is, leveled at Trump is that under his orders, the EPA and other forms of regulation and oversight are going to shit, and we're not funding enough research. A recent NatGeo article points out the following:


Science magazine reports that the Trump administration has ended NASA's Carbon Monitoring System, a $10-million-per-year effort to fund pilot programs intended to improve the monitoring of global carbon emissions.


Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt proposed a rule Tuesday that would only allow the agency to consider in its rule making scientific studies for which the underlying data are made available publicly.
Much of the data that would be excluded is based on reviews of personal health information, which is often not publicly available because of privacy laws or practical challenges.


The White House is currently reviewing a regulation that some environmental groups fear could nix protections granted to nearly 300 threatened species.


In a press release, EPA administrator Scott Pruitt announced that the U.S. government would revisit the Obama administration's fuel efficiency standards for cars and light-duty trucks—the first step in a rollback of one of the U.S.'s biggest efforts to curb carbon emissions.


NPR reports that the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency has stricken “climate change” and associated verbiage from its strategic plan, on the heels of one of the most expensive years of natural disasters in modern U.S. history.

There are dozens more examples like these in this one article.

Those are just the first five. So the next time you burp up your shit sandwich, notice that there are many things people have a problem with. Things that the administration is responsible for.
I hope it melts even quicker. The earth needs a wholesale cleanse and water seems more survivable/recoverable than a space rock collision.
Why wait and leave the responsibility on everybody else? You can minus-1 us anytime you like. Change starts from within.