Ankle lock escapes against heavier guys

Really the only role that strength plays is in the leg press motion to try to keep your hips on the mat, and defending some of the grip breaks you might use. If you get your foot flat on the floor, Chad Wesley Smith could try to ankle lock you and nothing will happen, because your foot can't hyper-extend through space that's already occupied.

That's true, but he would tell you at great length in deep technical detail why your foot on the ground was an inferior position for him to foot lock you from.
Oh really?
My straight ankle lock attacks the ATF ligament rather than the achilles tendon, so it isn't just pain like how most would think. Also, the grip (lots of variations) make it technical, as well as leg entanglement which prevents you from moving if done correctly.
Ankle locks and leg locks not being technical is an ignorant mantra of the weak. The fact you find yourself getting subbed in it often means your legs are open and available like a broken hearted prom date.

I cringe whenever I hear people call it an 'Achilles lock'. You don't submit people pressing on the tendon. You submit people by putting a little rotational torque into it and tearing the ligaments on the outside of the foot. It's actually the same kind of damage (more or less) that you get if you slam on a toe hold really hard.
That's true, but he would tell you at great length in deep technical detail why your foot on the ground was an inferior position for him to foot lock you from.

"What's important here is that I definitely couldn't ankle lock you if i trained Westside. Also, remember when I squatted 905 at my first meet? That was pretty cool"
As a big guy, I think the easiest submissions to get on small guys are arm locks from Kesa and advanced mounts like the S mount and technical mount, because I can use my weight.

As a big guy, I don't feel like I have an advantage going for leg locks because even if I have a lot of relative strength, my length and fatness creates a lot of time for people to escape leg locks. Going for one from top half guard is a long turn and from top open guard, I might as well be shooting. No one is going to hang around for that.