Anderson's Pissed Off About Brazilian TUF

“I’m not getting involved on this. I have no intentions in making part of TUF”.

Can't say I blame him. And I agree with him about the direction TUF has been taking lately. It's too bad.
Holy $hit they should have air that one for the ratings alone.
Exccellent. Removes any prospect for a Bones-Spider TUF: US vs Brazil
So many tuf haters missd last season. its really too bad. mostly cause i have to hear them botch about it like last season never happened.

I didn't watch the last season of TUF: Brazil. So I have no idea if it was good or not. Just going by Anderson's remarks here and what I've noticed in other seasons of TUF.
"let me bang bro" that shit is embarrassing.

Oh yes, good old Julian lane. That guy is one obnoxious degenerate who I hope to never see in the UFC. Guys like him make the UFC look bad and detract from the legitimacy of the TUF franchise.
Let me bang...hahahahaha great one.
TUF 17 had the best editing of any TUF. Except for the 1st episode.
Oh yes, good old Julian lane. That guy is one obnoxious degenerate who I hope to never see in the UFC. Guys like him make the UFC look bad and detract from the legitimacy of the TUF franchise.

The TUF franchise has legitimacy?
I think the Brazilian TUF is alright. I see what Anderson is saying as far as being ambassadors for the sport, but the fighters themselves seems like down-to-earth people (minus that ninja guy who slept in the little room made out of mats). They were just having a good time. I don't know. I think the show doesn't have much to do with martial arts at all, it's just for fun. They don't show the guys training or cutting weight or going through self doubt. Maybe if they showed that side (or even a weekly technique or something like that) Martial Arts purists would feel differently. Why not make the show educational or more like a documentary? Just some thoughts.
I think nobody is happy about last TUF brasil.

The coaches are blaming TV edition. They are saying: There were 150 trainings and 5 or 6 pranks, TV decided only to show the pranks to be big brother like.

And it was airing 1:30 AM on Sundays!
Ignore Anderson. He started talking like this when the first brazilian TUF showed him backstage saying Vitor was an a**hole
TUF is pretty brutal. A bunch of guys in a house barred from contacting friends and family, no internet, and you have to live with your potential opponents for months. It brings out the best in some and the worst in others. If I was forced to live with someone that I didn't get along with I would probably eventually be throwing furniture around like an idiot.
Ignore Anderson. He started talking like this when the first brazilian TUF showed him backstage saying Vitor was an a**hole

He did not say any lie...

Vitor is a boring guy and have a chicken heart...