America is not the worst when it comes to mass shootings?

I meant with data but yeah I see that. Where did you get your data

I looked up all rampage killings and added in all the terrorist attacks and other spree killers (not just limited to mass shootings and including all terrorist attack fatalities through bombs or vehicle rammings) in France since January first 2000.
Even just in raw numbers of firearm homicides though, France averages about 133 per year total, with a population of 66.9 million. The US averaged 11710 for the same period (2000-2013).
without even clicking the link im going to assume its nothing more than a reflection of relative population size. Like, a single mass shooting in a country with 3 million citizens will weigh it higher than 50 mass shootings in a country with 300 million citizens. Someone spot me if im right.
When you take our largest urban cities like LA, Detroit, Chicago, and NYC out of the equation (funny enough, they also have the strictest gun laws); America isn't even close to the top of the list.