Alexander Emelianenko a wasted talent ... ?!


Jan 20, 2018
Reaction score
In my opinion he could have been one of the best.

What do you think?


A lot of fook ups during his career (outside of the ring). Seems to have found a right track now.

Dude was a real gangster at one point in time. Look at his prison tats
(Tell me if you want me to make a post about his tats meaning)

In later years Fedor has had a falling out with Aleks and posted an open letter a while ago (english link):

“Now he surrounds himself with ‘friends’ who follow him around, and will never tell him the truth, fearing to lose beneficial ties. It’s only sycophants around him,”
the younger Emelianenko said.

The response from Fedor came three days later, in the form of an open letter published by the same outlet.

“Usually I don’t comment on other people's statements. But I cannot remain silent. This is my first and last answer to you. I consider it beneath my dignity to constantly react to your lies.

“And now the most important thing - why I decided to make this open appeal to you: you called my relatives sycophants. Sycophat - that's you, Judas. I feel sorry that people who were close to you and supported you in hard moments are now suffering. I personally have apologized for you to dozens of people.

“You can say what you like about me, I'll endure it, but do not dare to insult those close to me. Besides, you don’t even know them. And all those whom you know helped you and played an important role in your life. And you are not worth their little finger. Therefore, you are not in my circle.

“In one of your interviews you said that you can help me. But I do not understand how you, [someone] who was released [from prison] not long ago and is known for constant violations of his training regime, can help me. I can only think of one thing - not to dishonor the family name of me and my parents!"
UPDATE: Prison tattoos explained due to popular demand


1. Orthodox church - Number of domes is number of convictions, number of windows is the number of years served.
2. Start on knees - I will never bow down before authorities or law.
3. Spider web symbolizes prison bars.
4. Text on shoulders "Дайте в юность обратный билет, я сполна заплатил за дорогу" "Give me a ticket back to my youth, I have paid the price in full".
5. Executioner - Symbolizes lust for vengeance.
6. Stars on shoulders means that he is living by criminal laws and does not accept the laws of the state. (He now has removed these)

Other stuff that are not numbered on this picture:


On his feet there's another text: "Пойдете за правдой, сотретесь до жoпы". "If you walk after the truth, you will wear them (the feet) down up to your ass". Sounds weird when you translate it to English, but it means that everyone has their own version of the truth and what's right and wrong.


Grave cross and a pirate.

Pirate means disrespect for the law and also robbery (which he did time for the first time before the rape story).
Grave cross weans that during the time he was in prison, someone close to him died.


Gott mit uns is german for "God with us". It's the motto of nazi Germany troops. This also means the hate for society and disregard for the law (since nazis are hated in Russian society in general, top put a nazi motto on your body is like spitting in people's face).

The baby in hands of grim reaper means that he was in juvenile penitentiary.

I may have missed some stuff and will add them at a later point in time.
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All the talent none of the application. Oh and he’s a scumbag as well.
I think Aleks still has the potentional to be relevant in the current hw landscape. that said i dont think he will ever fight in the ufc. I dont have my hopes up for Bellator either but who knows. Coker suprised me in the past.
Does he still have Hepatitis?

That might slow his roll a bit
Dude has amazing hands right now.

He could wreck shit if he gets in the UFC.
He had extremely quick hands for a HW (dont think any HW matches him in terms of hand speed to this date) but what else did he really demonstrate?
Tough dude for sure. Good hands and speed for a HW but shit defense (hands down, no head movement) and despite his sambo background his grappling is rather suspect : everytime he faced a strong grappler he got tapped (Werdum, Barnett, Monson). I don't think he would do well against the current top 10 unless they choose to trade with him.

He's a fun fighter to watch though.
He had good hand speed. He was a slightly above average fighter. If he didn’t have a popular brother, he would have been forgotten long ago.
I think his existence means that Fedor was one gene away from being 6'5", and that thought terrifies me.
Scott Coker book it!

Bellator "Caïn and Abel"
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