After 2 episodes: who do u like better between Joanna J & Gadelha?


Purple Belt
Jun 20, 2012
Reaction score
As a JJ's fan i started watching TUF season 23 beign pretty sure to be one of those rooting for her, but after the first 2 episodes, overall, i like better Gadelha then Joanna.

In particular i don't like the way JJ keep trying to bully Gadelha with ridiculous sentence like "i'm the boss" "or "go! ...go! ...go away!" or again "more respect to the champion" when Gadelha was just getting out from the lockroom.

Still a big fan of Joanna, but so far i like better Gadelha's approach to the season.
What your thoughts sherdoggers?


I'd like some moderators would add a pool to this thread. Tnx, if they will.



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Claudia , joanna is just an annoying troll who tries too hard to talk trash.

Joanna is coming off as a try hard troll, mean mugging everyone. She's a great fighter, but it's unbecoming.
Joanna is acting like Conor's retarded little troll Polish cousin.

Claudia won the first fight. Joanna's delusional to be talking shit.
Neither really, Claudia is annoying and deluded. A nobody clearly sour and jealous of the others Success, typical Brasilian whiner.

Joanna is following UFC script to much, but i get it it pays.
Claudia is hotter and seems cool, so her.
Neither. They seem very nervous and the show is obviously scripted so it just feels very cheesy. That being said I'm rooting for Claudia's team to win and for Joanna to beat Claudia in the rematch. Joanna is fun to watch.
Claudia. Joanna is a beast, but she's kind of annoying.

And it's not like it has something to do with my decision - because it doesn't -, I just think it's worth mentioning: man, is Claudia beautiful or what?
I like both ladies as fighters, but I'm a little more of a fan of Claudia's personality. Should still be a great fight.
Claudia seems like a good person.
JJ is holding the belt. Why rub it in Claudia's face? Not cool.
I believe Joanna won the 1st fight .... but her atitude in the show is forced and fake ... it doesnt suit the conduct of a Champion , so it doesnt suit her .
I still think she is the better fighter , but im liking Claudia more from watching this show

if you add a pool to this thread, please put joanna and claudia in bikinis there :)
I'm annoyed by the UFC, through Joanna Jedrzejczyk and everything she does in the show.

Joanna, real Joanna, has an awesome personality

if you add a pool to this thread, please put joanna and claudia in bikinis there :)

Everytime i'm looking to open a thread with a pool i can not find out how to do it.
Call me noob if u want to bully me. : )
Gadelha was the one who started it all, she kept whining while barely fighting.
i hope JJ won't turn into Ronda, she is already losing her fans