Absolute mma

yeah giles has a ton of good vids there showed a really good crucifix technique
Hi who are you, I'm an amma student under thiago stefanutti, lachy has helped me through an injury, he's a good chap
I'm just a grappler in NW UK. I really liked his YouTube channel so thought it needed more attention. I have never trained with him although I would love to
Kit is checkmat but the absolute instructors are his mates and they all train together
Craig is one of Lachys students, he got his black belt from him the year before last
At the end of his grading shark tank (3hrs?) he was drinking a redbull with one hand and framing away a purp with the other

Id like to train with Lachy too but their dojo is on the other side of town to where I live
He, Craig and their students are calm, methodical instructors who will move at your pace when they roll with you

Here's a match Craig and Lachy had last year, Lachy's passing is a spectacle, I've watched this at least a dozen times trying to break the components down