Media Kevin Lee makes bigoted comments about Irish people (Old video)

If a white person said the same kind of jokes about an Asian or an African country, hell would have broken loose.

Is normal.
Didn’t watch, don’t know what he said but I am sure I don’t care
Kelvin Li ladies n gents.
Kevin Lee is a clown in a few years when i'm top 15 UFC ill knock this big bitch out for my people.
Many of Lees originated from the British Isles.... he's probably insulting his own heritage he's obviously half white. Grandpappy Robert E. would not be happy to hear him trash his roots like dis.
That is pure racism but couldn't help but laugh when he said they look like one family that keeps fucken. Wow!
100% racist.
Working in Detroit, I see that most those fucking people are retarded (possiblity from inbreeding, mostly drug abuse)
Kevin Lee is what black people call a 'high yella' anyway. He's probably as white as he is black.