DC=Double Champ??


Gold Belt
Sep 14, 2007
Reaction score
Do you think Daniel ''DC'' Cormier imagined he will be a double champ in UFC and his nickname will display that ha?
Also Double Cheeseburgers.

Champ Champ eats whatever da F he wants.
DG = Double GOAT
Don't mind me I just like to comment in wastelands...
Do you think Daniel ''DC'' Cormier imagined he will be a double champ in UFC and his nickname will display that ha?
I never noticed!!! Mind blown!! What if it's the illuminati reptilian shapeshifters using predective programing to get us used to the idea of him being the double champ so the masses (sheeple) would accept it when it happened???
Anyone thinking DC stands for Daniel Cormier is a clueless noob. Daniel "DC" Cormier would make no sense if that were the case.
Clearly it means Donkey Cock.
I never noticed!!! Mind blown!! What if it's the illuminati reptilian shapeshifters using predective programing to get us used to the idea of him being the double champ so the masses (sheeple) would accept it when it happened???
I never noticed!!! Mind blown!! What if it's the illuminati reptilian shapeshifters using predective programing to get us used to the idea of him being the double champ so the masses (sheeple) would accept it when it happened???
