Ketchup, catsup, ketsup or catchup?

Brom Bones

Where's that little soy boy, bitch Ichabod?
Oct 6, 2006
Reaction score
I don't know how to add a poll, so if someone could help a brother out... Pretty self explanatory. I personally go with ketchup.
This condiment, regardless of how you spell it, is not in the UFC. Wasteland.
I accidentally posted in the Heavies. Whoops! Wouldn't have happened if I could actually see Mayberry Lounge on my forums page!

Edit: I can see all the forums now. PFL advert doesn't cover everything up.
I'm having a hard time keeping up with this thread

I can't ketchup
It doesn't matter, frankly, but if you're asking what looks right to me as a native speaker of American English, it's "ketchup".
It's fuckin' KETCHUP!

I can understand how people can screw up certain words... But turning "ketchup" into "catsup" isn't one of them!