Another weight cutting thread


Brown Belt
Dec 5, 2011
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So, I’ve been against it for a long time now. It’s unsportsmanlike, gives us the fans poorer performances and it’s unhealthy to the fighters. Just because something has always been doesn’t mean it has to stay that way and can’t be improved.

Say what you want and I don’t know the perfect way to monitor it but weighing more on fight night than the weight class above the one you’re fighting in is a great place to start. It makes a mockery of having weight classes in the first place. It should be mandatory, you fight at 155, you can’t be more than 169 fight night, fight at 170, you can’t be more than 184 etc.

What is the point? If someone can logically argue, that two men who roughly weigh the same naturally. Then those two men cut a massive amount of weight to step on a scale and weigh that amount for a whopping 5 minutes. Immediately start gaining weight back to then fight each other 36 hours later at a comparable weight that’s much greater than they each weighed 36 hours before, then what is the point??? It’s arcahic and needs fixed.

I just want fighters to fight safer, the fans to see more competitive fights and to see who is actually the baddest fighters and not who can cut the most weight.
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