So now that 125 is starting to be filled with stacked fighters can we agree

Underdog bjj jp

Jan 24, 2014
Reaction score
That heavyweight division is awful and 125 is killing it at the moment ? Think of it as a mma fan and not because they're small herp derp logic
Who are these "stacked fighters?"

Everyone knows 125 is better then current hw at the moment , prove it otherwise
Stop trying to shove the flyweight divison down people's throats. Jesus Christ.

No amount of "stack" or "hype" or "jazz" or "personality" is going to make people like me care about watching midget fighting. If that makes me "less hardcore" than you then so be it.

Not interested and never will be. But yes HW is in the worst shape it's been in I'll give you that but i would rather watch Derrick Lewis vs the rotting corpse of Kimbo Slice than FLW
You didn't make any valid points. And so for me, it's going to be a no.
MM, Cejudo and Benevidez are the only elite fighters in the weight class in the UFC. Not what I would call "stacked"
Stop trying to shove the flyweight divison down people's throats. Jesus Christ.

No amount of "stack" or "hype" or "jazz" or "personality" is going to make people like me care about watching midget fighting. If that makes me "less hardcore" than you then so be it.

Not interested and never will be. But yes HW is in the worst shape it's been in I'll give you that but i would rather watch Derrick Lewis vs the rotting corpse of Kimbo Slice than FLW
yikes @ the Kimbo line, but I'm with you.

At the same time I can't adequately explain why the 125ers don't do it for me. I've never had the mind set that you have to be big to be entertaining... but that doesn't change my lack of excitement for the division.
Stop trying to shove the flyweight divison down people's throats. Jesus Christ.

No amount of "stack" or "hype" or "jazz" or "personality" is going to make people like me care about watching midget fighting. If that makes me "less hardcore" than you then so be it.

Not interested and never will be. But yes HW is in the worst shape it's been in I'll give you that but i would rather watch Derrick Lewis vs the rotting corpse of Kimbo Slice than FLW
only thing getting stuffed down your throat is when your boyfriend lu comes home every night. I'm stating an opinion. If you like fighting you shouldn't let your homo tendencies come to play because of height .
You see when I came in here thinking of "stacked" 125 fighters, I immediately thought, there are women in the 125 class with boobs?!!!

Old school I guess...
MM killed off the division indefinitely by not accepting the fight with TJ.