Conor bulked up! Super strong

Woah, Floyd will get blown away
Lol So I'm guessing there be no USADA testing for this bout?
No random testing clause in the contract is my guess.
Dude looks almost exactly like him, good cosplay
That's not even him. Relax everyone, he'll pass the USADA testing.
Damn, he's big, not nate Diaz big of course, but Damn, he's like...2.5 times bigger
They missed like most of his tattoos

Wheres the back tattoo?

Wheres the McGregor Notoroius tattoo across his belly

That lookalike does actually look like him tbf.
This guy Isn't anywhere near as sexy as the real conor
lol @ people thinking that's actually Conor

fucks wrong with u guys
Its funny, even if I was a casual fan I would still be able to tell the difference between Conor, and that guy who likes like Conor post 5-10 strong cycles.