Wtf is wrong with hendricks?

Pied Piper

May 16, 2017
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Does he have a thyroid disorder? How is he STILL missing weight??
He looked relatively lean for him too. Maybe his body can't physically handle the cut anymore
Feed him Manuwa next.

He'll be thinking twice next time when making an extra effort to lose 2 lbs.
i think he is buying his bathroom scales at dollar tree.
Big Piggs just can't stop scarfing everything in sight

I guess he never heard of towelgate.
I almost feel sorry for the bastard at this point. What the fuck, Hendricks?
He's been going to lunch with Ronda?
No self control. Has Hendricks ever popped for roids? I've lost track of how many guys it's been.
He's probably messed up his system badly with years and years of weightcutting dating back to his collegiate days, and his body is having a harder time of shedding the pounds. But he's also showing his laziness in not adapting his behavior to accommodate the new normal. It's like the guy who's always been able to eat what he wants and never gain but when middle age hits and the metabolism slows, BAM — if he doesn't change his diet, he'll be changing his waistband.
i don't know but I bet Dana is redder than the cool aid man right now lol