Having a UFC training facility where all fighters have their camps seems anti climatic to me


Jul 9, 2016
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Imagine Stipe and Cain both training at the same place, spotting each other in the weight room, holding pads for each other. Then later on fighting. Or Nate and Conor drilling touch butt, or practicing can tossing together, then on fight night Conor is like who the fook is that guy?

I'll toss your can around for a little bit, big boy. Meet me behind the barn
I think it's a stupid idea unless they're doing some kind of training for an international US vs XXX or UFC vs XXX where it's team oriented.
It would be lame, Platinum Mike Perry would end up KOing the whole division when sparring
The only way we can truly find out who the Ultimate Fighter is to drop them all on some Japanese island. Fuck a child's battle royale, this time we do it for real. Let each camp loose at a certain portion of the island. Winning camp fights among themselves in stage 2, and we have a winner. Either that, or we check up on them in 2 months, and they're all fucking each other and throwing their feces around....
I see ir very climatic, wmma and mma all in one place, alcohol... hope move videos happend...