Terrible video editing cause of WME budgetcutting

That did come off as a little choppy and weird? Not sure what it was
That did come off as a little choppy and weird? Not sure what it was

From YouTube comments

"This sounds like them chopping up bits of Joe's random comments and trying to make it a marketing video without Joe doing work."
to cut costs WME hired Reebok to do their production, is normal.
Speaking as a video editor myself, you generally want to avoid cutting from medium shot to medium shot to medium shot. You want to throw in close ups or cutaways to bridge the shots. Otherwise it just all blends together in a mediocre, undynamic mess like what you saw there.

Yes, this is very amateurish. It looks like fan-work you would see on Youtube.
they blew their budget on the video promo for the main event

This video has no energy. Its like a limp dick version of edited videos.

They need Nicktheface for editing...
Holy shit, this is terrible indeed

He made joe rogan sound unexciting, unatural, like an amateur doing voice over.

dafuq is going on over there?!
Everyone else above me is not jerking your chain, this video is real bad
Terrible. Its lacking excitement. Everything is in slow mo. And most importantly, its lacking goldie's "its allll over!"
Joe is reading off of cards as he says these things. This is awful!
It's like they woke up yesterday morning and said, "oh shit we have a fight card this weekend and we need to get some video out there to hype it" And threw something together in a about an hour or so.