Guy has Bruce Buffer record his wedding entrance

I didn't listen but I can't help but assume this guy has "upper management material" written all over him!
This is probably the most cringeworthy thing I ever heard in my life.
Haha.. I don't know what it is about this picture of Doc that gets me everytime. It never stops being hilarious.
I don't even know who that is and it gets me every time lol..
I don't even know who that is and it gets me every time lol..

Some of the faces used on the site strike me as odd, since they are not related to combat sports. Doc Rivers is a former basketball player, and current coach.

A lot of basketball related funny faces on here actually.. a close second to Doc would have to be the Charles Barkley face.
Most of the matches Buffer announces for end up having a winner and a loser, a happy one and a sad one. Why would you want Buffer to announce your wedding. Like for serious.