GSP fights S. Seagal


not even webscale
Sep 13, 2012
Reaction score
The S. stands for sensei.
Acting 1/10 looks like facial twitch
Fight 1/10 Sensei Seagal looks like a stage X diabetic
Cinematography 1/10 three camera edits per second

Jackie Chan can pull off better moves without rehearsal or camera edits and he's like 65 and a communist sympathizer. C'mon GSP.

Never thought I'd see GSP copying BJ Penn


I wonder if GSP was impressed by his performance
That's what happens when tapout douche/full kit wanker sport fighters mess w/ someone who's a grandmaster of TMAs.
Acting 1/10 looks like facial twitch
Fight 1/10 Sensei Seagal looks like a stage X diabetic
Cinematography 1/10 three camera edits per second

Jackie Chan can pull off better moves without rehearsal or camera edits and he's like 65 and a communist sympathizer. C'mon GSP.

The other bald white guy was brutal.
The sad thing is Seagal thought it was a real fight.
Steven Seagal is still trying to play an action star? The dude is like 70 years old and fat as shit. He straight walks with a waddle.
Steven Seagal is still trying to play an action star? The dude is like 70 years old and fat as shit. He straight walks with a waddle.

And he just killed GSP.

Segal vs Ngannou for the HW strap in 2017.
Steven Seagal doesn't care about weight classes. He defended the takedown with ease. Hope GSP's face recovers from all of those hard grimace reactions he gave during that performance.