UFC 202 sales prove that Conor has insane drawing power


Oct 29, 2013
Reaction score
UFC places ALL their marketing bets on creating the greatest card ever. They put several champions on a card, hype up advertising cost, and put it on a major fight week time period.

The card is boring, but they do pretty good (lets say a 7 out of 10)

UFC places only minimal efforts (conor wasnt really doing many promotions) on UFC 202 and they do pretty good (say a 5 out of 10)

Now at this point I will teach you about Business, so listen up.

Bill and Susan both have lemonade stands.

Bill is able to sell his lemonade for $50 revenue.

Susan is able to sell her lemonade for $40 revenue.

HOWEVER, Bill has made many expenses on advertising, lemonade cost, etc. Bill's cost of goods is $30.

While Susan only has costs of $10.

At the end of the day, Bill comes home with (50-30 = $20)

While Susan comes home with (40-10= $30), so while ON PAPER it may look like Bill sells more, he also pays a lot more. Susan has the better lemonade stand and makes a better profit per lemonade. Susan is the superior draw. aNd so it is with Conor
Conor probably outsells 200 so susan sells more even with the handicap. Everyone knows conor is a draw even his haters deep down they know.
Is anyone questioning Conor's drawing power? How many Conor threads is this now in the last hour?