Pettis looking unhealthy before 145 bout

He's doing the McMachinist cut

Looks very drawn. Pettis badly needs to win this fight, he can't afford to go 0-4.
Pettis doing that mega cut, hoping for a red panty night in the future.
Give that boy some wheaties.
Damn, doesn't look healthy.
There's a shadow on his forehead from the lamp or something that's making it look worse than it is.

At first I thought his brow was sticking out like a Neanderthals, but then I looked again.
McGOAT looks like death before his 145 fights too. He'll be fine.
He's a small LW but for FW he'd be very big, so obviously he is gonna have to do serious weight cut.
Hardly recognizable. We'll see how he looks come fight night. He sounds good mentally though. He got really cocky as champ.