What does "weight" mean?


Oct 29, 2013
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Usually the heavier fighter hits harder, why? For example, if we have a guy like Anthony Johnson who is 205 made of mostly pure muscle and a guy like Roy Nelson who's heavier but made mostly of fat. What does weight mean then? That Roy is simply harder to push off? Why would extra fat make you hit harder?
Because you put your weight behind a properly thrown punch or kick. This is largely the reason why you see fighters rotate their hips, particularly when they throw power shots (adding range is also a factor).
mass x speed = the punch in your face. You do the math.

Besides that also 10+ laws of physics.. but let's start with mass x speed..
If big mass + speed equals big force in punches mma

then why in the strongman competitions a few of the guys looks fat (BIG belly etc), does this also help lift heavy stuff and other strenth tests?
When the fighters get on the scale and they read out the number, that's what they're talking about.
Uh... Bigger guy has more muscle, throwing a larger fist/hand in most cases towards roughly the same sized chin/face. So yeah Bigger guy = bigger hit = more easily knocked out.

Also physics
The amount of 4th-dimensional curvature in spacetime caused by the mass of particles that make-up what we colloquially refer to as your body.
It's the unit of measure used in knowing when a bitch has exceeded an agreed amount that she needs to run her ass back home.
Dropped out in the third grade to help Pa on the farm, eh?
If big mass + speed equals big force in punches mma

then why in the strongman competitions a few of the guys looks fat (BIG belly etc), does this also help lift heavy stuff and other strenth tests?
they have to eat enough to sustain their lean mass. Trying to get increasingly shredded always leads to a loss of some muscle alongside fat (even with chemical enhancement), but since they are not bodybuilders they skip that part.