3 min round gettin ready for fight

Congrats on losing weight, and more for having the balls to do what you do.

Thanks to SO Many ITT for sharing info from their experiences. Consider yourself lucky to learn from their wisdom, hope to share some great quotes.

Your journey is F'n Inspirational - from where you were to where you are now.

Best of luck in your net fight. Win or lose, would love to see your action!
chabo so how did the battle go ? Any infos, was it fun, did you find your rythm. Now that I looked at the other guy who just started, you´re clearly skilled, it´s just were all used to the pros we watch. It´s just your bf, not like on some phsique trip but just you know, if you get more lean athletic, you can do your things so much better. Cause you do have skills and experience, your athleticism just needs to go up. But the weight loss is very impressive, keep it going win or loss.
So no updates ? First get us hot for weeks and months and now abbandon after the date. Used us for motivation but we don't get to share the finale.
So no updates ? First get us hot for weeks and months and now abbandon after the date. Used us for motivation but we don't get to share the finale.
If you look up the fightcard that happened on 18.11 by Combat Zone MMA ( were he wanted to fight) he wasnt on it. So I guess he didnt fight.
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