2016 US Presidential Election 11.8 3pm ET

Realy nice @helax
I will go all in that day on Hilary cant imagine they will let Trump be the president
Biased and oversampled polling has many thinking Clinton wins; election/ voter fraud is at work to make it happen. All on Trump.
Wow the Trump odds is pretty good.
Might leave this open for longer
Leave it open 'til 11PM EST tomorrow night, helax...
Biased and oversampled polling has many thinking Clinton wins; election/ voter fraud is at work to make it happen. All on Trump.
so you think that the election is going to have a fraudulent outcome.. but you're going all in against the candidate that is the supposed benefactor of this "fraud"
Biased and oversampled polling has many thinking Clinton wins; election/ voter fraud is at work to make it happen. All on Trump.

Biased and oversampled are contradictory terms, statisticians use oversampling to obtain a polling group more representative of the total voters.

Of course, the term oversampling popped up in a Wikileaks e-mail, so it was completely misinterpreted and thrown around as a buzzword. Sort of like "pay to play", the spirit cooking art performance and every other supposed bombshell that amounted to nothing.
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so you think that the election is going to have a fraudulent outcome.. but you're going all in against the candidate that is the supposed benefactor of this "fraud"

It's Schrödinger's election, the results in the ballot box are a quantum superposition of a dominant Trump win and a rigged Hillary win.
It's Schrödinger's election, the results in the ballot box are a quantum superposition of a dominant Trump win and a rigged Hillary win.
Yeah, I'm hearing on r/The_Donald that it is going to be a landslide for Trump. Apparently, Hillary had to agree to call off her rigging of the election to make the FBI investigation go away, ensuring the aforementioned landslide.

Personally, I cannot wait for tomorrow. All these Trump supporters are going to be doing their Andy Wang impression

Turn aroundddd... I get a little bit nervous that the best of all the years have gone byyyyy. I fuckin need you tonighttttt
Yeah, I'm hearing on r/The_Donald that it is going to be a landslide for Trump. Apparently, Hillary had to agree to call off her rigging of the election to make the FBI investigation go away, ensuring the aforementioned landslide.

Personally, I cannot wait for tomorrow. All these Trump supporters are going to be doing their Andy Wang impression


What boggles my mind is despite being the puppet master of the DNC, the FBI, and the media with the ability to rig elections, she may only win the presidency at the tender age of 69. You'd think she'd have used her power to beat Obama back in 2008 in order to take everyone's guns, establish Shariah Law and flood the country with immigrants.

Then again she was probably too busy founding ISIS and eating child sex slaves with Bill and Podesta on that secret island.
All in on Hillary
If Trump becomes president I will lmao
I feel for you Americans choosing between an attention whore racist and a criminal who is a puppet for the illuminati has to be a difficult choice.
Good luck Americaaaaaaaaaaaaa